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recent comments

IMG 350D 5300

From: kelf
Time: 08/29/2006 17:41:00
Comment: Nice spot for picnic (with lobster) mmmm...

IMG 350D 5283

From: kelf
Time: 08/29/2006 17:39:15
Comment: wooo... I like how your turned your aperture way down and took with slow shutter. Slows the water, but not over expose the trees. Good idea :)

IMG 350D 2360

From: Ardant
Time: 01/01/2006 21:44:23
Comment: mmmMMmmm... mushrooms...

IMG 350D 0997

From: Ardant
Time: 05/23/2005 21:59:31
Comment: Just monkeying around.


From: anonymous
Time: 04/09/2005 14:39:03
Comment: You can see who did the *real* work ;).

106-0614 IMG

From: Ardant
Time: 01/20/2005 01:06:32
Comment: Now *that's* engineering!

125-2519 IMG

From: anonymous
Time: 12/12/2004 12:43:10
Comment: I particularly like the sign behind me.

123-2398 img

From: Ardant
Time: 08/22/2004 19:04:31
Comment: mmMMmm... Watermelon.

110-1078 img

From: Michael
Time: 06/10/2004 13:10:00
Comment: Cute!

IMG 0410

From: Ardant
Time: 06/08/2004 23:11:37
Comment: And how many billion did they spend on this place?

10 of 81 comments shown

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Generated at 14:47:11 on 02/11/2025 by IDS 0.82, heavily modified by Ardant.